CompoGuard blood donation agitator Major benefits of CompoGuard® are: • Increased number of donations per fully charged battery • Increased data management flexibility • One further step towards paperless donation • Comfortable working station • Donors can directly monitor their donation progress • Documentation of barcodes and sealings • Robust transport case/ mobile table with charging option suitable for mobile donation |
Compocool® The cooling, transporting and storing system Major benefits of CompoCool® are: • Safe and standardized cooling of whole blood at +20 – 24 °C up to 24 hours • Contributes to quality and standardization of blood component preparation: – increased and more consistent platelet yield – stabilizes factor VIII during storage • Reduces component processing outside normal working hours • Standardizes the temperature of the individual whole blood units |
CompoCool® WB The cooling, transporting and storing system Major benefits of CompoCool® WB are: • Small cooling element with integrated temperature control • CompoCool® WB box designed for ergonomic transportation
• Easy to clean • Foldable trolley for a comfortable transport of up to 24 blood units • Secure blood transport with sealable boxes |
Compomat® G5 blood separator |
CompoLab TS Hemoglobin screening technology CompoLab TS is one of the fastest devices for measuring hemoglobin from human whole blood. Using a motor driven cuvette holder, operation has become very easy while ensuring excellent measuring accuracy at the same time. Major benefits of CompoLab TS are: • Measures hemoglobin within 2 seconds • Reagent free disposable not influenced by temperature and/or moisture • Accurate measurement using broad spectrum photometer
CompoDock sealing device